Privacy Policy

Tume Hall OÜ, the legal body of Oot-Oot Studio, is committed to protecting the privacy of customers and users. Accordingly, we have prepared these principles of Privacy Policy on customer data collection, use, publication, transmission, and storage. Our activity on the Internet is in line with all the relevant actions and the relevant EU legislation and the laws of the Republic of Estonia. We ask you to find a little time to read through our Privacy Policy.

Personal Data Collection

Personal information is information that Tume Hall OÜ collects to fulfill the contract between Tume Hall OÜ and the customer or to contact the customer.

Collection of personal data may occur in the following ways:

  • By filling out the contact information (including your name, personal identification number, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, preferred method of contact) form on our website or elsewhere (e.g. our shops);
  • On our website by using the customer’s account information or cookies;
  • By saving customer’s contact information or information about purchase preference from purchase or order conducted at our shop or webstore (some information is voluntary, and some is mandatory in order to fulfill the purchase or order);
  • By requesting lease-purchase.
  • Oot-Oot Stuudio is the controller of personal data, the company transfers personal data necessary for the execution of payments to the authorized processor Maksekeskus AS. Payments are intermediated by Maksekeskus AS.

Other Data Collection

We also collect non-personal information – data that does not directly link to a specific person (e.g. gender, age, language preference, location).
We may also collect information regarding generalized customer activities in our shops and on our website.

Use of Collected Data

Tume Hall OÜ will use the following data types:

  • Name – needed for fulfilment of the contract between Tume Hall OÜ and the customer;
  • Postal address – needed for fulfilling the contract since otherwise the contract cannot be fulfilled. This means that the purchased products cannot be delivered. In case the customer orders the products to be delivered to a third party then the customer’s postal address is not needed, only the address where products need to be sent is needed;
  • E-mail address – needed for fulfilment of the contract between Tume Hall OÜ and the customer and in order to send invoices for purchased products;
  • Telephone number – needed for fulfilment of the contract between Tume Hall OÜ and the customer and for informing about possible issues in delivering the goods;
  • Non-personal data (gender, age, language preference, location) – needed for sending useful information to the customer and in order for us to know which webpages, products and services are the most interesting for our customers and users.

If the customer or user has given us permission to use their information for direct mail purposes, then we will send the customer or user information of promotional nature using the contact information provided to Tume Hall OÜ by the customer or user themselves. The customer or user has the right to unsubscribe from our promotional information. Guide for un-subscription can be found on each promotional message.

Responsible Handler and Processor Collected Data

The responsible handler of customer and user data is Tume Hall OÜ, registry number 11547977, location Rävala 7, Tallinn, Harju County 10143, Estonia.

Tume Hall OÜ can give the right of processing the data of customer or user to other authorized processors in order to fulfill the contract between Tume Hall OÜ and the customer. Also for promotional reasons in case the customer or user has given such permission or has decided to take back the permission via a written form. Authorized data processors are collaboration partners of Tume Hall OÜ in the field of transportation, production, lease-payment and accounting. Authorized processor is only allowed to process data given for a specific assignment by Tume Hall OÜ.

Time Frame for Preserving Collected Data

Tume Hall OÜ preserves data as long as the data is needed for to fulfil the purpose of collecting and using the data or as long as the law abides (7 years according to the Act of Value Added Tax and the Accounting Act).

Customer Rights Related to Data Collection

The customer or user has the following rights in regards the use of collected data:

  • The customer has the right to get information about use of their information according to the amplitude and regulation of the law;
  • The consumer has the right to request their data to be corrected and deleted or the process of their data to be stopped;
  • The consumer has the right to agree or forbid their data to be used for promotional purposes;
  • The consumer has the right to contact the Data Protection Inspectorate and the court.

Modification of Collected Data

The contact information collected to identify the customer and to contact them can be viewed and updated on our website under “My account”.
To change the e-mail (Oot-Oot Studio’s website username), please contact us at because the customer or user cannot change it themselves.

Personal Data Protection

Oot-Oot Studio takes all precautionary measures (including administrative, technical, and physical measures) to protect the customer’s personal data. Access to change the data and process it is only given to authorized persons.


All personal data received in the course of visiting Oot-Oot Studio’s webstore and conducting a purchase there, will be treated as confidential information. Encrypted data channel with banks ensures the safety of customer’s personal information and bank requisites.

Storing cookies

A cookie is a text file that is sent and saved on user’s computer by a website that the user is visiting. A cookie is saved into the file folder of user’s web browser. In case the user has previously visited the site, the website reads this cookie and sends information to the site that initially saved the cookie. One can read more about cookies from Cookies allow to follow the user statistics of the webpage, popularity of the webpages subpages and other procedures carried out on the webpage. The information gathered from cookies is used to improve webpage’s user experience.

Types of cookies

  • Permanent cookies are necessary for navigating on the webpage and to use its functions. Without permanent cookies, the user cannot use all functions of the webpage;
  • Session cookies allow the webpage to remember previous decisions made by the user (e.g. user name, language preference etc) and through that offer better and more personalised functions;
  • Observation cookies collect data about user behaviour on the webpage. This information helps improve webpage’s user experience.

Denying cookies

User has the right to deny cookies being saved on their computer. In this case the user needs to change their web browser settings. For a better understanding of this it is suggested to learn web browser’s cookie management options.

Different web browsers use different methods for denying cookies. More information can be found via By denying cookies, the user must take into account that not all of the webpage’s functions might not be accessible anymore.

Privacy Policy Terms and Amendments

By using our website and by filling out customer application form the customer or user has read and agrees to the terms of our Privacy Policy. We reserve a right to change the terms of Privacy Policy if needed. In this case we will inform our loyal customers of the change.

For all Privacy Policy or data processing concerns, please contact us at